西南醫科大學,中西醫結合研究中心科研工作者2020年1月發表文章用Zeta Life Advanced DNA RNA,AD600150轉染試劑成功轉染含有Mincle過表達質粒pcDNA3.1到骨髓源巨噬細胞(BMDM),實驗數據見下:
. A&P inhibits the Mincle/Syk/NF-κB signaling pathway and M1 macrophage in vitro. The protein levels of each indicator in Western blot assay(A); The mRNA expression level of Mincle(B); The Flow results of Mincle, iNOS and CD206 in macrophages(C). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 vs. LPS group; #P < 0.01 vs.Control group.
用Zeta Life Advanced DNA RNA,AD600150轉染試劑轉染含有Mincle過表達質粒pcDNA3.1到骨髓源巨噬細胞(BMDM)的部分文章。